
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Frugal, Low Sugar Pancake Topping

 This recipe was born out a desire not load my kids up on massive amounts of sugar for what would otherwise be a healthy meal: homemade pancakes and waffles.  Almost all kids LOVE pancakes, and it can't be a coincidence with all that sugary goodness drizzled over the top!  The maple syrup we have is a giant step over the high fructose corn syrup varieties sold conventionally, but it also carries a very heavy price tag.  So to harness the best of both the health and frugal worlds: meet a new and improved syrup!  There is nothing Earth shattering about this recipe, but sometimes, in this life we call motherhood, we need someone to throw the obvious in our scattered face! My kiddos love this syrup, and I bet yours will too!  Just for a little comparison: regular maple syrup contains about 25 grams of sugar per 2 tablespoons.  This syrup?  Only a little over 3 grams!

Some of our favortie pancake recipes (all vegan too):

2 cups any berry, or mix thereof, I used organic frozen raspberries from Trader Joe's
1/4 cup maple syrup

Heat the ingredients gently over the medium low heat and mash the berries as they break down.  You could use an immersion blender if you'd like.  You could also microwave the whole bit and mash at the end.  I like to make a larger batch like this to store and have on hand in the fridge for busy school mornings.  There is no magical ratio here, you can tweak any of the ingredients to suit your (or your kids) tastes!

This recipe was shared on Pennywise Platter,  Wellness Weekend, Gallery of Favorites, Sugar Free Sunday, My Meatless Monday, Melt In Your Mouth Monday


  1. Hi Tessa,
    Thanks so much for submitting to Wellness Weekend this week--I'm delighted to have you there! But as I mentioned on your post last time, the event is only for recipes postied within the last week. (Please see the guidelines--point #2). This recipe, however, would fit perfectly! :)

  2. What a great idea! My eldest is allergic to raspberries...I could try strawberries or blueberries...both of which I have in the freezer! We love the pure maple syrup're right about the does start to add up especially when my youngest loves to have it on his morning oatmeal! Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles

  3. There is a reason i control the syrup in this house! My kids don;t seem to get the idea that it is a CONDIMENT, not a first course! LOL!

  4. i love berry syrups on my pancakes! this is such a perfect recipe!

  5. What a wonderful syrup. I like that you can use frozen berries to make it too. Thank you for sharing this post with the Gallery of Favorites.

  6. We love berry "syrups" over our pancakes. I've never tried sweetening it with maple syrup, but it sounds like a delicious combination.
