
Friday, June 17, 2011

Pan-Fried Fish

 This is another one of those fish recipes that most people love, even if they don't love fish. My kids eat it up, and I certainly love it too!  It also cold be mixed with any variety of herbs and seasonings.  You could do a chili powder/cumin blend with lime for Mexican flare, or maybe some Cajun seasonings for a little Creole style, or make up your own: it's flexible that way.  My son's current tests mean no egg whites, so I used the milk./oil emulsion.  If you'd like to mix an egg with the milk, that would work too.  Served along aside a fresh green salad and maybe some rice, this is an easy, delicious dinner!

1 pound white fish fillets (I like tilapia, catfish, snapper, Dover sole, or striper)
2 tablespoons any milk
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup gluten free bread crumbs (I make my own using the end pieces of various loaves saved over time and stored in the freezer.  When in need, I whir the whole batch in the food processor, and store surplus crumbs in the freezer for other recipes, much cheaper than buying gluten free crumbs)
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1 1/2 teaspoon  smoked paprika
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup canola oil (or less depending on your pan)

Whisk the milk and olive oil together (this mimics eggs, which you could do instead if you like).  Whisk the dry ingredients together.  Dredge the fish fillets in the milk/oil emulsion and then in the breading.  Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium When the oil is hot, place the fish in the pan.  When golden brown, flip and brown the other side.  Serve with a squeeze of lemon.

This recipe was shared on Pennywise Platter

1 comment:

  1. A tasty,simple way for a great weeknight dinner!
