
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread - aka Nutella

Who doesn't love chocolate and nuts?  There are not many out there that don't have at least some fondness in their being for this perfect marry of ingredients.  I have been wanting to create an allergy friendly Nutella for is SO delicious on SO many things.  All my digging around the Internet hit up on the same ingredients over and over again.  So why mess with a good thing?  All these ingredients are easy to come by, although hazelnuts can get pricey.  I found mine at Trader Joe's, 1 pound for $5.99.  I know my kids will be clobbering for more of this divine spread.....the only hard part is showing some restraint!  Everyone I have shared this with goes nuts for it...a perfect gift!

NOTE:  I attempted to be lazy and decided to forgo the removal of the papery skins on the hazelnuts one time: DON'T DO THIS!!  The flavor is still great, but the texture is all wrong...gritty and thick!

Makes about a cup (generous)

2 cup hazelnuts
1/3 cup cocoa powder (or more if you like intense chocolate flavor and less sweetness)
1/2 cup powdered sugar (Whole Foods and Safeway O Organic brands are corn free)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
2-3 tablespoons coconut oil (or other oil) (depending on the consistency you prefer)  The coconut oil will firm up the spread as it cools, other oils will not.

Preheat the oven to 350.  Scatter hazelnuts in a single layer on a cookie sheet.  Roast them for about 10 minutes until you can smell them and they are golden brown.  Place nuts on a dishtowel, fold it over, and rub vigorously to remove the papery skins.  Be patient, this can be a pain.  If some skins are left, no biggy, it will still taste delicious!  This is called 'blanching' the nuts.    Place nuts in a food processor and process for several minutes until the hazelnuts turn creamy.  Add in remaining ingredients and blend well, scraping down sides if necessary.  Spoon into an airtight container and store in the fridge to preserve freshness!  You could also place into small canning jars for a a decadent handmade gift!!

This recipe was shared on Handmade Christmas Gifts over at The Nourishing Gourmet,  A Gluten Free Holiday


  1. You are amazing!! You know that I love Nutella!!!

  2. Who doesn't?!! I guess my husband...he has yet to try it...poor soul!

  3. Tessa, this looks gorgeous! My kids are nutella addicts! Guess I will be making this one soon as a nice surprise for them! ;)

  4. Kim, my kids were trying to heist it away from me when I brought some to share with their teacher....hope your kiddos agree!! Now to find a crepe recipe to stuff it into......

  5. I miss Nutella so very much. I basically grew up with it! Yet here in The USA it is incredibly expensive. Your recipe ensures that I wont have to long for it any longer.Actually was one of the few things I didnt make from scratch - yet. LOL
    I have no food allergies but prefer organic all the way and maybe you like to check out some of my recipes which I posted since I moved to the USA.

    Particularly the French Herb Bread I love. I use Bobs Red Mill Spelt flour. MY blueberry wine vinegar is a hit even by my husband who doesnt like blueberries!

    Have a wonderful start into the week! Paula

  6. Thanks for sharing Paula, enjoy...I am making a batch today in fact!
