
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Millet Porridge

My eldest had been recently reading a version of Goldilocks and Three Bears when she noticed me eating a new concoction I discovered in The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook.  If I haven't told you yet, I really like this cookbook and thank my sister continually for my birthday present!!  Let me give you a bit of history here:  I love hot cereal in the morning: it is a comfort food for me.  My favorite has always been Cream of Wheat and I have many memories of being sick and only wanting a bowl of that stuff.  Maybe it was just my moms special touch?!  So when my Eva asked me if I was eating porridge, my mommy brain started rapid firing and I quickly decided to play along with this idea.  "Why yes Eva, it IS porridge!"  "Oh Mommy, can I please have some of your porridge?" she begged me.  Inside I am jumping for joy that this healthy morning cereal might find it's way into my child's awaiting belly.  I waited with baited breath to see the verdict: She wanted the rest of porridge!!  Score!!   Only problem was, I was enjoying it too much myself to be so selfless, so I gave her a bit more and promised a trip to the store to stock up on 'porridge' that afternoon.  Millet is a healthy little grain you should give a try...the steps might seemed involved for a morning meal, but make a large batch of the meal to have at hand when you are ready for your own breakfast porridge.  If you're interested in the many nutritional benefits of millet, check here!  (And please notice there are no refined sugars in this either, double bonus!)

TIP:  For those of you with little ones, millet is a GREAT grain to feed to them in cereal form.  Many nutrition experts agree that waiting as long as possible to introduce highly allergenic foods (like gluten found in many baby cereals) to little ones. is ideal  My little guy LOVES this cereal, and for him I just make the millet flour and cook it with water.  I add in fruits and vegetables after the fact.  I have also done this with teff.  For an especially creamy texture, get the bag of the flour, it is ground very fine and is silky smooth at the end.  I wish I had thought of giving this grain to my two oldest when they were babies.  Nutritionally, millet and teff are far superior to the traditional rice cereals.

Dates simmering
Makes 1 serving

3 tablespoons prepared millet meal (how to below)
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup any milk (I used So Delicious Coconut Milk)
2 Medjool dates, chopped fine
cinnamon to taste
vanilla powder or extract to taste
dash of salt to taste

Bring the millet, water, milk, dates, and salt to a calm simmer over medium-low heat., whisking occasionally to prevent clumps  Let the mixture simmer for at least 5 minutes: this helps the dates disintegrate and gives the cereal sweetness.   Add more milk or water for desired consistency.  Add in vanilla if you choose!

Millet meal: In a large pan, toast the whole millet grain (in most bulk food sections) over medium heat, shimming the pan frequently to disperse the grains and not burn them.  When they smell toasty and start popping, it's done.  Maybe 5-10 minutes, depending on the quantity you are doing at one interval: I did a whole pound at once in my cast iron skillet.  Grind grains in a clean coffee mill/spice grinder until powdery like flour: ready to use!  You could also skip the toasting step, but the toasted flavor of the grain IS delicious and adds another flavor dimension to this simple cereal!


  1. Hi Tessa! I'm so glad I discovered your blog. There's so much deliciousness going on here! This recipe sounds like a wonderful departure from the ordinary, and I can't wait to try it! Thanks so much for posting it.

  2. Found your blog through a post on facebook......I've been making millet porridge for a couple of months, but I like to soak the grain for 7 hours first, then dry in a 300 oven for 15-20 - grind and enjoy! I just found out my 3 little girls are all allergic to wheat/gluten, so they had their first millet porridge.....with a little almond butter, maple syrup, peach jam, almond milk - they loved it :) I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  3. You'll have to let me know if there is a difference in texture/taste! How did you find out your girls were allergic?

  4. I bought a 5lb. bag of millet because I wanted to make a waffle recipe I had found. They were terrible :(! Now, I have LOTS of millet and no ideas. Could you tell me how to cook the millet whole?

  5. Oh my Jenna...there are so many things to do with millet!! I have a millet cornbread on here that is great. Via that blog post, you will see a link for a recipe round up I just particpated in on millet specifically @Beyond the Peel, some great millet recipes there. I would suggest you use a waffle or any baked good recipe you already like and replace some of the flour with freshly ground millet. It adds a nice flavor and lots of nutrition. May I ask how the millet was used in the waffles? I have used whole millet in some pan-fried patties, I have used it in tabbouleah-style summer salads. I think mixing it in with a rice or other familiar grain for a fried rice would be good to. Hopefully this helps!

  6. Thank you for sharing your millet porridge recipe with us at Beyond The Peel. You're recipes for the WWC are great and truly show how versatile millet can be!
